
September 2021

An eleven day solo road trip around the country.

I had long thought about a trip like this, and thankfully in September of 2021 I was able to make this a reality. I set out with a backpack of clothes and minimal camera gear;

my Canon 5D MkIV, Standard Cameras 4x5,

and roughly 40 sheets of Kodak Portra 160 and Ilford Ortho Plus 80 film combined.

With a camper van booked, a paper map, a general Iceland book, and a phone with no service, I started my journey clockwise around the country. My goal was to photograph and document as much as possible but more importantly spend time alone in the landscape surrounded by such beauty and be overwhelmed by humility. Both were achieved on this trip.

4x5 Film, Ilford Ortho 80 Plus

4x5 Film, Kodak Portra 400


Pas Seul

